Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Facebook Fast

Today marks the beginning of Lent. I decided that I am again going to be giving up Facebook for the Lenten season. I had never given up anything for lent before coming to Concordia, it wasn't something that I had ever even heard of. But I love the idea of taking something out of our lives for a time to refocus on our relationship with God.

If you know me at all, you know that I am on Facebook an awful lot.  I post pictures, songs, statuses, blog posts 24/7. It is the main way I connect to people and let them know I am thinking about them. But it has taken over my time... not as much as it used to, but it has still creeped its way back in and taken over my quite time with God.

Last year, I started out my mornings with 5 minutes on my Facebook and email, and 10 minutes doing my devotions. So far this school year? 30 minutes on Facebook and email, no devotions, and not getting to eat breakfast most mornings. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that something needs to change.

I read a blog post earlier by someone else that explained why giving up Facebook is so hard. It is not simply giving up something that is distracting us from God, it is giving up almost a part of ourselves. We don't know what to do with ourselves if we don't check our Facebook every 5 minutes. We are giving up control over things we don't have control over- the feeling of being loved and needed when you have notifications or messages. But here is reality- are people honestly going to stop caring about us because they can't tell us on Facebook? No.

So here is my Lent Resolution, and I want people to hold me to it;
- I will not be on Facebook for any reason until Lent is over.
- I will spend time reading my Bible and in prayer and communication with God at least once per day.
- I will use the time I am not on Facebook wisely whether it be spending time with God, with others, by myself, or doing homework.

So, this is it. 40 days. Here we go!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Time Out With God

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

New International Version (NIV)
 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

When I first heard this verse many years ago, I didn't understand it. The idea of praying or talking to God 24/7 seemed unrealistic. What am I supposed to do if I need to pray while I am driving? Pull over to the side of the road and get down on my knees?! I didn't understand how I could easily incorporate this formal idea of talking to God into my daily life. 

Over the past few years I have learned something- having a solid relationship with God does not mean going through the motions of our faith. Some people may take time every day to formally get down on their knees and pray to God. But if it doesn't mean anything other than formality and you are not looking to build a relationship with God, then why do it? I have learned that it is about having a desire to spend that time with God, to get to know him to love him. Not just shooting up a formal prayer every once in a while because we know we have to.

My view of talking to God has completely changed over the past few years. I now view my relationship with God kind of like texting our friends. At any point during the day I will just be like "Hey God! Thanks for making today so beautiful, you are amazing!" It doesn't have to be long, it doesn't have to be formal, but it is necessary for life. 

As Christians, we all go around saying that we need our Jesus time, or else we just wouldn't be able to make it. But how many of us "forget"? How many of us rarely pray or read our Bibles? We say it is necessary for life, but somehow we are living without it almost every day. It is like saying "I haven't drank water in over a week, but I just can't figure out why I am so thirsty." We are saying I can't stop worrying/stressing about this, and I can't figure out why. When we take time each day and take a time out with God, our lives will improve SO much!

So here is my challenge for you this week- Take a time out with God at least once a day. It may be reading your Bible, praying, listening to Christian music etc. But take that time and spend it with Him. It may be while you are walking to class or before you go to bed. No matter how much time you take, you won't regret it.