Friday, January 21, 2011


So, I have been meaning to post an update on my life, but I have been trying to decide which topic exactly that I want to write on. My life has bee extremely busy and interesting since I got back to Concordia. Not necessarily bad, I have had a lot of fun and been enjoying it, but there are still hard times.

God has really been getting my attention, especially the past few days- especially in the realm of gossipping. I can honestly say that I have been doing better, but not a ton better. At least now I recognize when I am doing it. I realize the words that I am saying, and I try to make sure that I say things in a way that would not be hurtful to others. I am realizing more and more how hurtful we are to each other a lot of time here at Conco, myself included. We are constantly gossipping and excluding others and forming cliques. Is this really how God wants us to live our lives? Everyone deserves to be loved and included no matter how weird or annoying they are. They are still God's Peculiar Treasure. What makes you think you are any better than the person next to you? In reality- you are no better than them. You are still a sinner, and that is what really matters. We all need God's forgiveness to be saved. It's not going to matter how "bad" your sin was. It just matters that you sinned. End of story.

Music. That is the other part of my life right now that I am paying attention to. I love love love music. I honestly don't think I would survive without it. God has blessed these artists. Their words just bring me to God and it just amazing. I love it. That is how I have been spending my free time with Jesus and the Bible, and I LOVE IT! I don't understand how I used to get through my day without doing devotions or reading my Bible. It's like I literally don't know how I could get through the day without at least a taste of the word of God. Even if I have read it a million times, it is still so comforting to me. I just love it so much.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to spend some time in our campus chapel with God, and it was just amazing. I spent about an hour just praying, listening to music, and reading the Bible. It was honestly the best hour of my life I think I have ever spent. I have a lot going in my life right now- nothing that needs to be mentioned on here, but I want to say this; I am going through a lot, but it is soooooooooo much easier now that I have let God take control! SO much easier! Please, please, please just let God take control of your life already. I'm not saying that stuff doesn't hurt me anymore, trust me, it does, but God heals the hurt and helps me to move forward and give me the strength to face tomorrow. I still have a long way to go, but I'm not scared anymore. I am ready to face the fight.

These are some lyrics to one of my new favorite songs. It is called "I Loved You Then" by 33Miles. To me, this just summarizes Jesus' never-ending love for us:

I loved you then, I love you now
I will love you tomorrow
When this world breaks you down
I will give you strength to stand
Look to me, take my hand and just believe
Before this day ever began, I loved you then

I don't understand how people make it through their lives without Jesus. I honestly would not be able to survive if I did not have Him. I would have no hope, no future, just darkness. It is so sad to think about. Please find Jesus, and give your life over to Him.

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