Thursday, May 23, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you thought "Wow has it really been that long?!" I had one of those moments a few weeks ago. Both of these pictures were taken at my spring Junior formals. The first high school when I was 17, and the second one college at 21.

I can't believe how much I have changed over what has felt to be such a short, short amount of time. If you would have told me at 17 that I would be where I am today and doing the things I am doing, I would have told you that you were insane and talking about someone else, not me.

If you would have told me even a few months ago that I was going to spend my summer peeling tape off of wardrobes and cleaning nasty bathrooms, I would have told you that I wouldn't do that for a million bucks. And yet, I sincerely love my job as hard and nasty as it is.

It's hard for me to believe that my time at Concordia is coming to a close. Time truly does fly when you are having so much fun! I only have one more semester on campus, and then I am off on internship. It's crazy. It's scary. It's exciting. Right now- I am not ready to go. I am not ready to leave my friends, or to be a full fledged adult. But when I look back at the past 4 years, there were many things that I was terrified to do and to face. But I did. And with God's help I got through them. This will be the same. In his timing, I will be ready to face and conquer all that is before.

So here is my random thought of the day for you: Don't let time fly by so fast that you don't take the time to enjoy it. Take a break, stop a minute and look back over the life you have lived. Are you living a life that is pleasing to God? Are you enjoying the "little" things such as the sunny day? If you're not, it's not too late to start now. Let God change your life. Go enjoy the little things and color with chalk on the sidewalk. You won't regret it!!

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