As many of you know, I have this wonderful thing called Fructose Malabsorption aka I can't eat anything that has fructose in it. Fruit generally has a lot of fructose since it is a natural sugar. I never really liked fruit growing up. Funny how that worked out since my body can't really process it. ANYWAY. Apples (one of the only fruits I actually like take note) have the highest amount of fructose out of almost anything on earth. So, needless to say I have avoided Apples like the plague since I was diagnosed last December. I have done really well- I haven't eaten a full apple since last december. I have had bits here and there, but never enough to make me feel too awful.
Well yesterday I was at Meijer, and I saw this:
Probably the most mouth watering, delicious looking caramel apple I have ever seen in my entire LIFE. So, after a solid minute and a half of debating about whether or not it would make me sick, I bought it. And I raced back to Concordia mouth watering, dying to eat this piece of heaven.
I took the first bite, and my mouth died and went to heaven. It was SO good. So so so so good. I literally chowed on that thing almost down to the stick. I thought "WOW. I cannot believe how much I have missed apples!!!!!"
And then. The stomach ache came. I have not felt this sick in over a year. When I eat something really "bad" it legit knocks me out. I sleep and sleep while my body tries to digest this food it doesn't know what to do with. So, I slept for almost 2.5 hours and woke up in tears questioning whether or not I was going to get sick. And then the thought hit me: This is probably how Eve felt after she ate the apple. At first, it was glorious and then it was wayyyy beyond awful.
There is a good reason why I was told by my doctor not to eat apples- They will make me sick. God had good reason for Adam and Eve not to eat the apple in the garden- They would become mortal and die. Sometimes, there are good reasons why we cannot do things that seem absolutely harmless. While they may be harmless at first, the effect from one choice later on could be devastating.
When I think of the story of Adam and Eve, I used to think "EVE. How could you be so stupid?!?! That fruit had "bad" written all over it! How could you even think twice about eating it?!" In my mind this is what the fruit that Eve ate looked like on the tree:

But in reality? No way. That fruit to Eve looked to her like my caramel apple looked to me. Yes, she knew the possible consequences from eating it, but I fell into the same trap that she did: You won't really know until you try it. And BOOM. Satan comes in. Done. Sin. The whole world changed based on one decision. For the first time in my life, I feel like I cannot despise Eve for what she did. Man, if I was in her shoes and that beautiful caramel apple was hanging on that tree I would have probably eaten it too even if I thought I might die from it.
So here is my random thought of the day for you: Sin is not always going to look like a scary apple who is going to bite your face off if you try to eat it. It's not always going to look ugly. Sometimes things that are super bad for us and super sinful are going to look really, really, really good and be super tempting. And a lot of times, we are going to go for it and not realize till afterwards that we really, really screwed up this time. But God's grace and forgiveness is big enough for the biggest screw ups, even Adam and Eve size screw ups. So no matter what "caramel apples" you are facing today, trust that God will forgive you for your past, and know that he will help you avoid the temptation again in the future.
And yes, I did learn my lesson. I will NEVER eat a caramel apple ever again!!!!