Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Jesus Loves YOU

Wow! I have had quite the whirlwhind of experiences here at Concordia over the past few days!! I am only going to highlight one of them though :) 

(Picture from last spring on Ash Wednesday)

This is Sara and PJ Goeke. They came to Concordia from Austin, Texas for the second time to talk to us about sex and relationships over the past few days. Most would think that no one would want to talk to complete strangers about something like this. It's awkward, uncomfortable, and to some may seem unnecessary. But let me just say, these two show the love of Christ in ways I can barely explain. They talked with us as student leaders on how to help our residents overcome sexual temptation through Christ, as well as helping ourselves or our other leaders if that is something we struggle with. We talked about how to set up boundaries in relationships, and how guys and girls think and act and react differently to situations. It was SO informative and so helpful for working on a college campus!

But PJ and Sara did SO much more than just talk to us about sex. On Tuesday, they set aside their entire day simply to interact with individual students. To sit with us, listen to us, laugh and cry and pray with us regardless if what we were facing had to do with the reason why they came to talk to us. They had individual girl/guys night and just spent time getting to know our hearts. I got to spend some time sharing my story with them, and had my mind blown as they shared wisdom and guidance for the area of my life that I am in right now.

And now, today. Their last day at Concordia. After one final session, I gave both Sara and PJ a hug goodbye, and promised to keep in touch with them so that we could continue the conversation we had yesterday. And as I walked out of the chapel, I couldn't help but start to cry. I have only known these people for appx. 3 days, and yet the words they shared with me changed my life both personally, and how I will be interacting with my residents from now on.

I won't go into everything we talked about. Honestly, that would be a blog post in itself, and some of it is just too personal to go blabbing about on the internet. But here is the main point that I walked away with yesterday from my time with them: Jesus Loves YOU. You are his child, his prince or princess. He loves you. Even though you are broken, dirty, sinful and shameful he loves you! SO much that he died on the cross for you- the ultimate form of shame and pain and he did it for you! I read a quote somewhere that said something like "The cross is one of the most common objects that represents hope, healing, forgiveness and love to the Christian church. But when we look back in history crucifixion was the most brutal way to die. How can something so awful be seen as something that brings hope? Because through that horrifying experience God gave us salvation. Without it, we could not be reunited with God." Wow. How powerful is that?! I don't know what you have experienced in your life. Many of you have probably experienced things a lot worse than me. But I want you to truly sit in this and listen to these words today: JESUS LOVES YOU. And he has not now, or will not EVER leave your side. Through every trial you face HE IS WITH YOU. He is taking whatever awful experiences you have had, and going to use them for something absolutely incredible. So. I want to encourage you to take 5 minutes and listen to this song posted below and just rest in his love today. Stop trying to move forward, to heal, to earn more money, to forget the past, WHATEVER it is. Just stop. Listen and sit at his feet and be a child and bask in his love because he ADORES YOU! And only when you truly recognize and accept his love will you truly be free!

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