Friday, May 27, 2011


I had my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, and it hurt. A lot. But then the pain started getting worse when it was supposed to get better. We came to the conclusion that I must have a dry-socket. Turns out we were right.

For the past few days I tried everything to get rid of the pain- ice, heat, Vicodin, rest, etc. Nothing would make it better. And the pain was unbearable. I could barely sleep or even function. Once we realized I probably had a dry socket, we made an appt. for me to go back to the Oral Surgeon. He was the only one who was going to be able to fix and stop my pain.

I went to the surgeon today, and he had to do some work in my mouth before he could put in the medicine. It was the WORST pain I have ever been in in my entire life. I have a relatively high pain tolerance, and I was almost in tears it hurt so bad. But then, he "fixed" it and gave me the first dose of medicine. Amazingly, I started feeling better within 10 minutes.

I compared this to pain in our own lives. We can try lots of different things to try and heal the pain, but there is only one person who can fix it at the root, and that is Jesus. Jesus may have to even do things that will hurt us to help us in the long run, just like the doc had to put me in a lot of pain in order to make it start getting better. But it will get better if we let Jesus heal it instead of ourselves.

In this life we are going to have things come up that hurt us, but if we let the doctor (Jesus) take care of it instead of trying to cover it up with things from the world, the pain will start to get better even if it doesn't happen right away.

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