Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today is a rainy, cold, freezing day. It is one of those days you just want to curl up with a blanket and watch the rain come down. You don't want to go outside- It's not a fun rain, its a yucky rain.

This morning, I realized something as I was leaving for church and the rain was pouring down. We will do almost anything to avoid the rain- drive right up to doors so we don't have to walk in it, use umbrellas, rain coats, or rain boots, or even run to dodge the rain drops. But no matter what we do, we can't fully avoid the rain. We are going to get wet during a rainy day. It is almost impossible not too.

I compared this to "rain" in our own lives. We can run away, we can try to take cover, we can even use an umbrella. We can even try to dodge the raindrops. But no matter what, we are at least going to get a little wet. We can't avoid the hard times in our lives no matter how much we want too. It's close to impossible.

But the rain does bring good things; things like rainbows, and new flowers. Some days it seems like the rain is never going to stop, and the clouds are never going to go away, and it really stinks. But God will use the "rain" in your life, even if at some points it just seems like a pointless downpour. It may seem miserable when you are soaking wet, but once you are dry and the clouds are gone, you are going to thank God for the storms he put in your life- Even if that seems impossible right now.

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