Saturday, June 9, 2012

For I Know the Plans I Have For You....

This is me and one of my best friends Ashley Hart. For those of you who don't know, Ashley was my Spiritual Life Rep in my dorm my freshman year. We have gotten supe close over the past two years and she is like my older sister. 

Tonight, I experienced one of the most terrifying feelings I think one can experience. I got a FB note from Ashley telling me along with many others about an amazing thing she experienced today, almost dying in the process. I went through so many emotions when I realized my friend almost just died, but I simply got to the point where I just couldn't stop thanking God for how wonderful he truly is and how he really does have an amazing plan for every part of our life. Here is her story. 

I, Ashley Hart, am thankful, today, for my life and for the lives of those around me. 
Today..... I experienced a testimony beyond the stretch of my imagination. I sit on my sister's couch in Chicago half dampened by the drying water of Lake Michigan and half by the sweat from the end of the most productive run of my life. Crying is all I want to do because I am so in awe of the literal saving grace of our Creator and Savior but there is no time for that as I have to write this down. 

Friends, I sat at the end of this pier alone and confused, praying for wisdom, purity and clarity in my life. On a beach filled with what felt like half of Chicago at 5pm, I was blessed to have this pier to myself after having a tough few weeks I was hear to take a break from it all. I watched the perfect view in front of me. I held my knees and soaked in selfish thoughts. I have been asking God the past few weeks to reveal who he is to me more and to open my eyes to it, I was soon to learn just how selfless our God really is. 

I got up to walk back across the beach to run more when I saw seven black children walking, making their way up the pier with no parent in sight. I kept walking thinking, good thing I am leaving for it was no longer my own pier. They stopped midway on the pier and started looking over the side of the ledge. The no diving sign painted on the ground not daunting to any of us standing there. I kept walking and stopped, noticing that they were about to atempt to all jump in at the same time. Excited they were, yelling and encouraging each other to count down together. The oldest I found out later was a 15 year old girl and the youngest had to have been a 4 year old boy. I put my my hands on my hips as I waited from afar for one of the boys to count down from ten for them all to jump in. 

10-9-8-3-2-1.......the two oldest girls jump in. I turned and kept walking but then heard screaming. I looked back. Both girls were throwing there hands in the air and screaming as they went above and below the waves of Lake Michigan. Their siblings and cousins were yelling and screaming, all to young to know what to do. Are they messing around? Where is everyone, no one is around. I run over the railing, take of my shoes and phone and jump in after them. Motivated by one of the boys screaming, "jump, girl, jump." Thank God for him. 

One is under water, the other was struggling to stay above, both pulling each other under. I grab the one under water soon realizing I cannot stay above either. I cannot touch, I can barely carry one and the other girl is pulling me down. My panic mode is in gear. I swam to the wall but with nothing to grab on to and no one around to help except the absolutely scared out of there minds children above. I thought, Oh my goodness, I could die with these two beautiful girls right hear on a beach on Lake Michigan. I can't even help one let alone both. I even had to throw them off a second to let myself sink to touch the bottom and push off to get a better breath. I was drowning. Helpless. Hopeless. Scared. I cannot remember if I said this out loud or in my head but I screamed Jesus I need you, no one is here. I am going to die, and these two girls will die with me. I cannot do this alone. I am not strong enough. Jesus, I need you. Help me. I need you. 

The wave passed and I could touch. Between the waves I was able to hold us up from touching the ground. Me and Jesus, together, were able to grab the second girls hand and hold the first girl and walk us into shallow water. Telling them to look at me I said, girls, by the grace of God we are alive. 

A testimony of his literal saving grace. Jesus saved my life today. Jesus also saved these two girls lives, whom I wish I remembered there names. He died on the cross to save us and I don't think I would have been able to die for those two girls as I grasped for my own air. But he died saving the whole world, the generations of the past 2000 years and until he returns. My understanding of his sacrifice increased quite a bit today, I would say alot. 

He taught me something today amidst all of it. An testominy to me and you. The creator of the universe not only died to save the whole world when I could not even save these two girls but he also took the time to save us three as I called out for him in a prayer of absolute desparation. He is with us always. He saves. He loves. 

He loved those two girls so incredibly much. He was so aware that they had no idea how to swim that he ordained me to stop at that one pier, on this one day, at that one time, in this one city. He loves them and he loves me. He saved the three of us because I was surely not going to be the one to do it. 

We walked out of the water to a lifeguard.....with nothing but fright and a few cuts on my knee. We are saved and unscaved. Amazing. A miracle in my mind as I honestly have never been so sure I was not going to live another day. 

All I know is, God is in the business of answering prayers and he sent his son to save us from our sins every single day of our lives. Today, he answered my prayer and saved us from the mirky floor of Lake Michigan. Praise you Jesus. 

After taking these precious children of God to their older cousin I walked a little, cried a little, then ran as fast as I could with my shoes and no socks back here to write this to all of you. 

I hope you see the story in all of this. It is not that I, Ashley Hart, jumped into Lake Michigan and valiantly saved these girls. It is that I, Ashley Hart, was ordained to jump in that water and through Jesus Christ was able to save those girls. I was not strong enough. But Jesus is. He is most definitely strong enough. 

If you don't know Jesus today or if he has not been a part of your life for some time, just ask him into your heart. He loves you so much. Ask him to come into your heart and tell him that you accept him as your Lord and Savior, forgiving you of all of your sins. That you want his saving grace and you want him to change your life. I can promise you he will answer your prayer. Write me back and I would love to tell you more about the Savior that saved me and those two girls lives and that changed my life three years ago. 

If you do know Jesus, then let this extend your faith. The literalness of this experience today in how it exemplifies th message of the Gospel leaves me in awe. I hope it touches your heart as much as it does mine.

He desires for to this for each and everyone of you every single day of your life. He desires you. He loves you. 

I am grateful to be alive today and even more grateful I get to share this all with you. Pass this on, tell others about the amazing love of our God. I sent this to you all but I know there are tons more people that would benefit from this testominy within my own life and within yours. 

Thank you Jesus for our lives today and every day. I pray, Lord, that this touches more lives than I know, that this testimony is one that changes the lives of people that know you and people that are yet to know you. I also pray Lord that the people that read this would find someone to help them them know you better, whether it be through me or through someone else in their life. We love you, Lord. Thank you.

If you take nothing out of this post today- know this; God loves you more than anything and he wants to be your savior. He wants to save you just like he saved Ashley and those two girls today. It doesn't matter what you have done or even what you might do in the future- He wants to save you! To love you, to hold you when you are hurting, to cry with you to laugh with you. He wants to be your Savior. So I ask you, if you haven't already, will you let him save you today? 

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