So. It has been one week since I began my FODMap adventure. It has gone SO much better than I originally thought it would!!!! Granted, there have been hard days. But no tears yet so that is good! It amazes me how addicted our bodies get to certain foods. (I am a bread addict and I will admit that with no shame) But, I simply cannot have them anymore. This version of "healthy" eating has been so much easier than anything I have ever tried before! Other times when watching calories I would tell myself things such as "No, you cannot have that brownie because it is not a good choice." Now all I tell myself is "You can have the brownie if you really want it, but it is going to make you feel terrible for the rest of the day and has gluten and way too much sugar in it. Your choice- to be sick, or not to be sick. That is the question." And I can convince myself not to have it!
I have found some yummy things I can eat- I eat TONS of meat. Tons. I don't know how I would survive on this food plan as a vegetarian. I really like gluten free bread, and crackers and what not and have found some lactose and sugar free things that I enjoy. There are definitely still foods I miss, but I can honestly say that I struggle hardcore to meet my minimum amount of calories for the day so that is kind of a blessing. And I feel SO much better!!!! I can make it through the day without naps or falling asleep and I wake up in the morning feeling awake and alive. I am SO thankful. I'm still get stomach aches occasionally and feel sick, but I think that is only because my body hasn't totally gotten rid of all the toxic bacteria yet :P
Tonight I had my first real "struggle" My mom brought home Little Caesers Pizza Bread for Miranda and Micah. That part? I could care less. She also brought home breadsticks. Those, are hands down one of my favorite things on planet earth! I literally about cried. How do these not make your mouth melt?!

But, I didn't give in. I sat down and ate my Greek salad, but I cannot lie there was some moping involved.
There are a lot of complicated things I cannot eat. I cannot have certain type of sugars, as well as other things like garlic, onions, honey and other random things that companies put into foods that you don't think to look for until you can't have them. It is frustrating at times. And sometimes I do just want to eat "normally" again for the first time in close to two years. But at the same time- I get to eat! I am not being hospitalized, I am not dying, I get to enjoy yummy foods still! So while it is my human nature to complain, I am truly thankful for the wonders of the FODMap Eating Plan!
This plan has helped with my faith a lot too. I just finished reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkurst and it gave me a whole new perspective of food and faith. I have found myself praying about my day more and asking God to show me what I should and should not eat. It has been fantastic. It also has given me a new perspective on how to be thankful for simple things such as food. God is pretty creative in the ways He will answer your prayers.
So. I am sure at this point you are thinking "Wow. How can someone ramble on about food for so long?!" (I hope thats not really what you are thinking. If you are, well, sorry!) But here is my random thought of the day for you.Be thankful for the foods that you have even if you don't like them very much. Next time you want to complain about something set before you, remember that God gave you this gift of nourishment to provide energy and fuel for your body. And, my other random, selfish thought of the day? Will someone please go enjoy a HUGE piece of chocolate cake for me?! Thanks ;)
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