Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Need Heart Surgery

Last night, my family was sitting watching one of our favorite TV shows The Biggest Loser. Part of the show involves the contestants meeting with a doctor to see how bad their health is. One of the contestants was talking to the doctor about why he won't take time to exercise. The doctor said something along these lines to him: "Lets pretend you have cancer. Would you take the 2 hours a day or whatever amount it is to go get chemo? You would do whatever it takes to save your life, correct?" Of course the contestant says he would do anything to save his life. The doctor then says to him "Your weight is killing you. You are fighting a disease that is just as serious and just as deadly as cancer, and yet you are doing nothing about it. Why?" I just sat there and was like "Woah. I have never thought about it like that before."

I connected this idea to not only my physical life, but also my spiritual life. I am fighting a daily "disease" of sin, fear, temptation and tons more. And yet I am not "exercising" regularly  I find excuses to not read my Bible, or to pray or to go to church. And yet, these things are vital to my spiritual health. Meanwhile, my heart is filled with puss and crud and fat and needs to be cleaned out. I need heart surgery. I need to let Jesus in to clear me out and begin again. If I don't, I don't know how much longer my heart can keep up before it gives out.

So here is my random thought of the day for you- Are you getting your spiritual exercise? Or are you still sitting on the sidelines watching life pass you by as your heart becomes more and more clogged with the things of this world? Let Jesus perform heart surgery on you. Let him clean you out so you can begin again. It will be a painful journey- heart surgery requires healing time. But it will be SO worth it and give you a life you never knew you could experience.

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