Almost 4 years ago, I graduated from high school. A place that I grew up in, Kindergarten through twelfth grade. My high school experience was probably a little different than yours- I went to school with a lot of the same kids my entire life. In fact, here are the kindergarten "originals" as we so affectionately called ourselves

Anytime anyone would talk to me about my high school experience I would tell them that my school was like my family. The building? Like my second home. They were always there for me, always helping me grow as a person and in my relationship with Christ. And while that is still true, I realized something tonight after an unfortunate chain of events. The school itself, the structure, the leadership, the literal education? It had absolutely nothing to do with it. The reason why my high school experience was phenomenal was because of the people. Not because of the school itself. Without these amazing people using the talents God has given them, WCA is just another school. Just another building full of classrooms, filled with kids who don't really want to do the work. So I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to some of my incredible mentors, teachers and the people who are truly my family. Without these people in my life, I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today and my faith would not be where it is today without their leadership, guidance, and love.
Mr. Zylka: I can't even begin to count the numbers of times we had such amazing conversations that truly changed my life. I remember right after you started at WCA, you couldn't remember my name and you bought me my first sub from Subway. I only hope that I can take an itty bit of the passion that you had to serve us as students and to be a Christlike role model and take that into my career to help others. You taught me sooooo many applicable life lessons that I took right to college with me and have used many times to help others. You gave us opportunities that I probably will never have again, and you gave us the ability just to be kids and enjoy life. You taught me that it is okay to make "big asks" because the worst thing that can happen is that they will tell you no! You taught me it is okay to question God, and to really learn how to trust him. You taught us all that we need to believe in our dreams, and trust that God will take us there. You have helped shape me into the person I am today and I cannot thank you enough for that. For the many snacks before soccer games from your snack drawer, your hugs and a big smile on a rough day, and simply everything. Thank you.
Mrs. Johnson: Wow. What can I say? Well first, I am so thankful that God placed you in my life when he did. Your support and love at that time in my life was what I needed in more ways than one, and the lessons I have learned through our relationship over the past few years has helped me grow in ways that I did not ever think would be possible. Thank you for the lunch talks, coffee dates, and simply a listening ear and encouragement when I needed it most. Your spirit of gentleness and calmness has been exactly what I needed in my life even though I don't think I recognized it at the time. You have taught me how to stay God centered, and how to view situations that arise from a Godly standpoint at all times. You have walked with me on a path that not many were willing to stay with me on, and for that I am forever thankful. You have challenged me, loved me, encouraged me, and pushed me. The thing I appreciate most? Is that even when the road was rough, you always had a smile for me. You always kept me focussed on God, and you never stopped loving me even when I was difficult to love at times. Thank you for being such a positive roll model in my life and for teaching me many life lessons that I will remember always.
Mrs. Garrett: Where to begin?! So many fun, fun, fun memories in your classroom! Birthday parties, kids screaming, reading, test taking, grading papers. I loved our long, deep conversations about life and how real you were about life with me. I loved how real you were with your students, and showed them on a daily basis what it means to live a Christ centered life. I greatly, greatly appreciated the days you would let me skip out for a while to go to talk to someone if I needed to, or to catch up on homework. I appreciated simply the fact that you loved me, and you treated me as if I was the most special person who walked into your classroom. And yet, I know that is how it is for every student who meets you because that is the amazing quality teacher that you are. Your love and support got me through some of the toughest times of my Junior and Senior years of high school, and I always knew that if I needed a shoulder to cry on you would be there ready with tissues and a hug. You taught me sooooooo much about working with kids of all ages, and how to see them as who God truly created them to be, and for that I am forever thankful. You encouraged me to pursue Child Life, and to follow my dreams no matter where they took me. Thank you for teaching me how to be a true Christ follower, and how to live my life for him!
Mrs. Russell: Where to begin?! You have taught me so many different things in all areas of my life ranging from class leadership to food allergies and sensitivities. You took a class that was told by so many teachers that we were bad, and impossible to work with, and turned us into a group of hard working, Christ following individuals. You showed us love, and gave us support when not many others did. You gave up personal time to spend it with us planning all of our crazy fundraisers and "Romecoming". Even after moving on from WCA you stayed apart of our lives and challenged us to try new things and to enjoy college as much as we can. You've taught me so much on how to relate to people, and how to build solid relationships personally and professionally. Thank you for all of the hard work you committed to the class of 2010, the Panera lunch dates with "The Girls" and everything else you have done for me, my friends and my family.
Mrs. Osborne: The first word I think of when I think of you is Family. You have been a support for not only me, but for Kristin, my parents, and even my extended family for as long as I have known you. You have gone above and beyond your call of duty showing love to me and everyone else in ways that you didn't have to do. You were there in times of sadness and death, and in times of new life. You were always there to chat with me, laugh with me, and even get angry with me. You never judged myself or my family for the things that we have had to go through, but have always been there to help shine light in the darkness and show us how God is still apart of every situation good or bad. You taught me how to be a responsible student, and showed me grace even when I didn't deserve it. You taught me how to love, and how to show love and forgiveness to others. You were always there to greet me with a smile and a hug, and always willing to help me out in whatever ways you could. Thank you for everything.
These are only a handful of some of the AMAZING people that God has used throughout the years at WCA. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that without these people, I would not be the person who I am today. But it's not because of them- it's because of God. He used each of their gifts and talents to change my life and I am forever grateful and thankful to him that he used them in these ways. I only wish I could find a way to show them my gratitude as sometimes words do not seem to be enough. As the years have gone by, and continue to go by changes have come and will come to WCA. But even if the building completely falls apart, and every person I have ever known leaves and no longer works there, that will not change the impact that my time at WCA had on my life. Because it's not about the building, or the homework or textbooks or any of that. It's about the people. It's about the lives they have changed and will continue to change no matter where God places them. And so while WCA may not be to me what it used to be, these people will forever hold a special place in my heart. Thank you.
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