Sunday, January 1, 2012

Farewell 2011

It's official- 2011 is over. Part of me cannot believe it; I think this may have been one of the quickest years of my life. I can honestly say that in comparison to last year, 2011 went a lot better than 2010.

There was nothing really all that different about 2011, there was still heartache and pain, there was still joy and laughter but yet I became such a different person over this past year that it astounds me.

 I learned what it means to fully rely on God in all circumstances. And while I may not have that totally down, I am working on it every day. I learned that God can use many different people in your life, even ones that you would never expect him to use. I learned that God can use yourself in many different circumstances, including ones you may not be comfortable with. I learned what true friendship means, and how to be a true friend to others. I learned what it was like to be college student and how to balance life at home with life at school. I learned what it feels like to have a true relationship with God, and what it means when you value your relationship with him over everything else. There are SO many more lessons that I learned this past year, that this blog would have to go on forever so I will just say this: God taught me about the important things of life this year, and showed me the changes I need to make in order to show more of him and much less of me. And for that, I am forever thankful.

So 2012. Do I want things to be different from last year? I mean sure, of course I do. There are always things people want to be different. But here is my goal for 2012- I want to work towards being the person God created me to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I want people to see him in everything that I do and say. I want my life to be a reflection of God. I could easily say I want all the "problems" in my life to be fixed, but that is unrealistic. I know God uses each problem to mold me into the person he wants me to be. So do I want things to be different? In a way, yes. But I want to be different, not necessarily my surroundings.

Here is my hope and prayer for you for the year 2012- Make God top priority in your life if you haven't already. Take time each day to spend with him, and him only. Take time to take care of yourself physcially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You won't regret. I don't know what that means for you, it may mean joining a Bible study or another group at a church. It may mean going to church for the first time. It might mean going on a missions trip, or starting counseling to deal with your past. It might even mean calling up a relative you need to make amends with. But whatever it means don't forget this- God is with you now, he was with you then, and he will be with you from now until the end of time.

Happy New Year everyone, God's peace and blessings to you!

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