Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Where is your focus set? Over the course of this day I came to a bunch of realizations... I realized how far I have come in many ways over the past few years, and I realized that is because of one thing: I changed my focus.

It is so easy in our daily lives to focus on other things; romantic relationships, electronics, work, school, friends, family, etc. But when God becomes your focus, your whole life will change. I have grown up in a christian environment my entire life and if you were to ask me, I would have always told you that God was the center focus of my life. But it wasn't true. I had other people and things in the place where God needed to be.

A few years ago, I created an analogy of my life to a puzzle. We also had a chapel service about this. You build a puzzle around key pieces. If our life is a puzzle, that key piece needs to be Jesus, but we try to make it other things. We twist and shove the pieces together trying to make our lives work. But the picture is going to be incomplete until we start building our lives around Jesus. Building our lives around other things is just going make us miserable.

I am realizing more and more how key it is to have your focus on Jesus. Do whatever it takes to get your focus on him. It may mean taking your whole puzzle of life apart and starting over. It may be uncomfortable, and annoying and hard, but it will be worth it. You will be so much happier, and you will see God working in your life in ways you could never imagine.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's never too late to get up again

Have you ever thought about how hard it is to get back up and keep going after "falling"? It could be actually falling- like falling off your two wheeler after you take the training wheels off or "falling" spiritually or emotionally. Most kids don't want to get back on after taking a spill on their bike, but somehow the parents coax them into trying again until they finally learn how to do it. God is the same way. When we fall off, he scoops us up, gives us a hug, calms us down and gives us a bandaid, and tells us to get back on the bike and keep fighting. We act like he is crazy, and we don't want to listen to him. We might cry and beg for any other way, but the only way to conquer it is to get back up again. 

We are going to get knocked down in more ways than one during our lifetime. After all, the Bible does say that we are in a "race". How many competitions have you seen where no one gets pushed down, shoved, yelled at, etc.. ? It doesn't happen. So why do we sit here expecting our lives as Christians to be easy? I really don't know. 

After hearing this song today,  I kind of pictured myself in this situation: I kind of got "knocked down" by some stuff that went on in the past few weeks of my life, and I saw myself just sitting on a racetrack, discouraged and not wanting to continue the race because I got knocked down. I was telling God "Enough is Enough! I have fallen too many times. It is time for me to stop trying to go forward and just be content with the fact that I tried! I'm not doing this anymore God- I'm done." Well, after some help from some friends, and spending time with God praying about it, I was able to get back up again. 

I am aware that I am going to get knocked down again. I'm not looking forward to it, getting knocked to the ground is humbling- it makes you put your pride aside and let God help you. But, each time that I get knocked down now, it takes less time for me to get back up. It takes less crying, complaining, and grumbling. And when I do finally get up, I am stronger and ready to run harder and faster to my goal. 

I don't know what you are facing in your life right now- it might be something simple or something horribly complex. But either way- falling down hurts and getting up again isn't easy. God can help you get back up. It might take some time, but eventually you will be up and running again and God is going to give you the strength you need to get up and keep going. 

Keep fighting! It's worth it- I promise :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Not Enough

First, go to this link and do this:

I had small group at WCA tonight. It was another powerful night. We were talking about helping the sick, and talked a lot about those with Aids or HIV. And it reminded me of when I was able to go to the actual World Vision Exhibit when I was in 10th grade. It was a life changing experience. I honestly felt like I was in Africa, and that was my life. I was scared to find out whether I had HIV or not. In the end, I was negative. But the fear was real. I cannot imagine having that fear be apart of my daily life.

There are people who live like this every single day, and yet we do nothing. On our video tonight it talked about how the equivalent of 100 airplanes crashing is how many kids die from preventable diseases every day. I think he said thats around 3 kids every second. Three kids. I can't even wrap my mind around that.

We sit here with our fancy bottled water and overabundance of food while their are kids starving in Africa. We have said things like "don't waste that food- an orphan in Africa is starving and would love to have it." But when are we going to do something about it?! When are we going to stop putting our selfish ways before others desperate needs? When will we stop buying huge packages of bottled water every month that we don't need instead of sponsoring a child in need?!

I am not saying this to rag on others- I am not anywhere near perfect and guilty of these things myself. But I am tired of sitting here doing nothing. I want to do sooooo much more, but I am limited. Things have got to change- we have to save these kids, and that might mean cutting back a little for us on pleasurable things.

It's not enough to talk about stopping hunger, or promise to sponsor a child "someday". It's not enough to just do these things because we are supposed to.  We need to do it because we have a desire too. It's not enough.... And it will never be enough until these kids are taken care of.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rainy days lead to Blue Skies

When the rain is falling
And there’s no silver lining
And you just can’t seem to find the light
When you need a reason
To help you keep believing
Let my love be your blue sky

I needed a reason to help me keep believing this week. A lot has gone wrong recently- Some summer stuff, fall stuff and personal stuff has all gotten messed up. Or at least as far as I see it it is messed up. According to God's plan I am hoping we are right on track. But anyway, there has been a lot of "gray" filled days and not a lot of blue skies. Sometimes, it is just so hard to find positives among a bunch of negatives.

I couldn't find the silver lining on this huge cloud, and I couldn't find the sunlight. I was kind of having a lot of "God why me, Why now?!" moments. But today I realized, that God can take our gray days and make them into shining blue skies. He takes the storms and makes them calm. His love shapes us into new people.

Maybe your skies have been gray lately. Let God add some blue to your sky. Let him bring some joy and happiness into your life, even if it is only for a day or for a moment. I have learned to appreciate good days because sometimes they are few and far between. God can make even a horrible day less horrible. Let him bring some blue skies into your life. You will be happy that you did.

Not every day is going to be perfect, and some days will just be gray no matter what. But if you hand it over to God, it's going to make your rainy days easier to handle and help you to catch your glimpses of blue skies.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life Changing

I never thought it would be possible to miss something so much, when I was only there for one short week. And yet, God showed me so many things the short time I was in the Dominican, and it truly changed my life.

Tonight was our first summer small group meeting at WCA. The theme is becoming a Good Samaritan. We talked about some things tonight, and about helping those in need around us. Our trip to the Dominican was mentioned a few times, and it just took me back down memory lane.

I went to the Dominican to work in the lives of the people around me, and yet that trip changed my life. Money isn't a concern to me anymore- Yes, I know it is important, but it isn't something at the top of my priority list. After seeing how these people were living-how they were eating, drinking and traveling, I couldn't live in America anymore and complain about what I don't have or what I "need". Every time I think of this trip, it brings tears to my eyes. These people are so happy with what little possessions they have- I want to live a life like that. I don't want to be so wrapped up in making a lot of money in my lifetime that I lose focus of what is important- and that is bringing people to a relationship with Jesus. If I am wrapped up in how much I need to make to survive, am I really showing Jesus to people? I want my relationship with God to come first, as well as other people before myself.

It's hard for me to sit here and know that I am sitting in an air conditioned house even though it is only 75 degrees outside while there are people in other countries roasting with 100 degrees and 100% percent humidity. I want to do more. I wish I could do more. I was flipping through my pictures from my trip this evening, and I just wanted to jump on a plane and go back to the orphanages. I wanted to hold the little babies and sing "Christo Me Ama"with the little girls. I want to color pictures and let the kids giggle and laugh as they take pictures with my camera of themselves. I want to go back. And someday I will. 

I'm not content with sitting here doing nothing about the problems in our world. There are people all over the cities and countries of the world who are hungry, homeless, or lonely. There are people everywhere who need the love of Jesus in their lives. You don't have to go out of the country to make a difference- You can start by helping out someone who lives next door to you. You don't have to find a cure to aids- you can start by making a meal for someone who needs it. You don't even have to start with a stranger- start with a friend who is going through a rough time. Take a time out and just go give them a hug. Sit with them, listen to them. You don't have to change the lives of millions at once- Start with one person, and God will lead you to another. It's time to do something.

"Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you."
— Mother Teresa

Monday, June 13, 2011


"I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, O LORD, for it is good." Psalm 54:6

Offerings- Tuesday nights at Concordia University, an intimate time of praise and worship as well as a time for personal or group prayer and personal reflection.

I miss this. I miss having this break from my life to just spend time with God. I miss the time to gather with my friends and just praise God. I miss the ability to have my friends nearby and have them pray with me. I have been listening to many songs from Offerings the past few days, and I am just aching to be able to be able to go and bask in the glory of God. Unfortunately, I have to wait until August to go to Offerings, but no one said that I cannot get on this level with God without going to Offerings. 

A few years ago, something like this would have not been something that I enjoyed or looked forward too. I especially would not have missed it. It is cool to look back and see how God has worked in my life and helped me to have a strong desire to spend time with him. 

Below is one of my favorite songs from Offerings. I hope you enjoy it as much  as I do. 

I know that most of you probably do not have the opportunity to go to something like Offerings like I do every week. But I want to challenge you to get on a level with God where you want nothing more than to sit there and just be in his presence. To be on a level where if you don't spend that time with God, you are aching for Him. For me, it is music that really brings me close to God. But for you it could be something entirely different. Find it. You won't regret it. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It Just Might Change Your Life

You never know what can change your life. I never thought that some of the decisions I have made over the past few months would change my life, and yet they have.  Letting go of something is terrifying, I think most people realize that. But what a lot of people don't realize, is letting go of something that has control over you can truly change your life. Most people have heard the phrase "Let Go and Let God". This is one of the hardest things to do, and yet it is the best thing we could ever do for ourselves. This part of the song is what really caught my attention:

You find yourself
Up against the wall
You're scared to push cause it might fall
And it...
Just might change your life

You're on the edge now take one step
And you just might find you'll fly
You never know what will happen next
Don't be afraid to let go this time
It just might change your life

I have been up against quite a few walls in the past few years. A lot of walls. And I have been scared for so long to knock them down- due to fear of not knowing what is behind them and what new challenges are ahead of me. And yet, as I have started knocking down each and every wall has been the best thing I have ever done. I was scared, and at times I am still scared. It is painful, and it is a lot of hard work. But every time I knock down a wall, or even begin knocking down a wall, it truly changes my life. And it is all because of God. I don't have power to knock down walls on my own. I have too much fear and not enough strength. But God, He has all the strength and courage that I will ever need. With his help, I can take a sledgehammer to these walls and change my life. It's not a one time decision- you can't knock down a wall by hitting it one time. It is a daily decision to keep fighting, but it is a decision that is worth it. 

Don't be afraid to let go. Let God help you start knocking down the walls in your life. It will be hard work, and it will be scary and painful at times. It may even seem like it isn't worth all the work and pain, but if you commit to knocking down those walls, It Just Might Change Your Life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fall Apart

A few years ago, if you would have come and asked me if I had ever felt that I had gone through anything rough in life, I would have told you no, I had a reasonably easy, simple life. Sure, there were a few bumps along the road, but nothing life altering. I was reliant on myself, and myself alone and I was completely okay with that. I remember when that changed. A few months prior to things getting a little crazy, I prayed a very simple prayer. I said "God, I want to love you more than anything in my life. Do whatever it takes to make me satisfied with you alone." Now, I prayed this prayer many times actually but I never truly believed that God really would do whatever it took to get my relationship on track with him. Turns out I was wrong, and I am so thankful that I was.

I just heard the above song on a radio station called KLOVE today. It really fits my life for the past few years. I used to be satisfied with going through the motions of my faith and never "feeling" anything. I never understood the verses about trials and suffering when I had never gone through something like that. My life was good- so I praised God. There was no growing in my faith even though I thought there was. I felt that this part really described the first part of my journey:

Why in the world did I think I could
Only get to know you when my life was good?
When everything just falls in place
The easiest thing is to give you praise
Now it all seems upside down

This part kind of fits the part of the journey I am on right now:
I don't know how long this will last
I'm praying for the pain to pass
But maybe this is the best thing that has ever happened to me

I don't know how long things will keep seeming to fall apart, or how long the pain will last. But my perspective has changed and it has helped me to find God so much. I never would have thought that my little world would need to be taken apart piece by piece for me to learn to rely on God, but that is what it is taking. It has taken years for me to be okay with these trials and the pain that comes with them, years for me to be thankful for this, and years for me to accept the things that have happened and move forward. But the changes that have occurred in my life are worth it. Of course I want the pain to be over, but I honestly believe that my perfect little world caving in is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We all know how much I hate it when things change. I don't like it one bit. But for one of the first times in my life, I am looking back at the past year of my life and seeing how much has changed, and for once I am actually happy about it.

If you would have come to me a year ago and told me what I was going to go through in the next year and I was going to come out stronger and more reliant on God, I would have told you that you were crazy. I would have told you that I would never do some of the things that I chose to do, and I would never allow those aspects of my life to change. But I did do those things- and things did change. Things have changed drastically.

I was talking to one of my best friends today and we were talking about how we haven't really kept in as close of touch with our high school friends as we had originally thought we were going to through the first year of college. Now granted, we are all still really close. We just don't talk to each other on a daily basis anymore. Last year at this time, if you would have told me that there would be some weeks in the next year where I didn't talk to my friends from high school at all, that would have scared the crap out of me. But looking back now, I am okay with that. We all started our own journey and still managed to stay apart of each others lives and I think that is really cool.

There are some other parts of my life that have changed that I am not so thrilled about, but I can see how God is working in each of the situations, and it just amazes me when I think about it. Now granted, it is still hard to accept the changes and painful, but it is cool to see God at work in the changes.

I have had soooooo many personal changes it is unbelievable, and too many to list on here. But they are all happy changes, so that is good :) I am learning how to become the person that God wants me to be instead of who I or anyone else wants me to be. Good stuff.

I am starting to realize, maybe change isn't such a bad thing after all....

Friday, June 3, 2011


This is one of my new favorite songs. It is called Stronger by Mandisa. While all of the lyrics apply to my life right now, there is one part in particular that stands out and applies for today specifically:

'Cause if He started this work in your life 
He will be faithful to complete it 
If only you believe it 
He knows how much it hurts 
And I'm sure that He's gonna help you get through this 

Today something happend, and it truly showed me that God is truly working in a situation in my life. It's not where it needs to be yet, and I don't know if it will ever get where it needs to be, but it has gotten better and for that I am thankful. God has to get us to a point where we will sit back and let him do the work for us. Unfortunately for me, it caused me a lot of pain before I decided to surrender and let God just handle it. Sometimes I tend to forget that God really does know how much things hurt us. He watched his only son die on a cross for the sins of the world. God knows pain, and he will help us through it. My friend Ashley told me something one day after I told her that I had already surrendered everything to God and I felt that I shouldn't have to do it again. She said "Riss, surrendering is not a one time thing. Each and every day you have to get up and choose to let God do his thing. It is easy to try and take control again." My life isn't pain free just because I am choosing to let God take over. Some days, it seems more painful because I feel out of control. But what comforts me is that I know God is going to complete what I am going through- it may not be in the ways that I want or expect, but he is going to complete it, and bring healing to me as well. 

These verses have also brought me comfort in the past few days:

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." 
Isaiah 41:10, 13 

God is giving me more and more strength each and every day. He gives me just enough to get through that day. If he gave me all the strength I would ever need, then I wouldn't need him and what would be the point of that?! 

I don't know what you are going through in your life right now, but know this- God is using it to make you stronger, and he will help you through it. I promise :)