Sunday, June 2, 2013

Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant

I have had the privilege of spending time with this amazing family over the past few weeks, and gotten to know them better than I had previous to this summer. The one graduating is Lonnie, and their story is incredible. Lonnie and his wife Amy moved here a few years ago from the Grand Rapids area, literally selling everything from their house and downsizing to a dorm suite so that Lonnie could pursue his dream of getting a degree in youth ministry. 

I first met Lonnie when I was a freshman in college and he worked for our maintenance department. I always seemed to have something wrong with my dorm- whether it be lights, drain not working, ants or whatever. Lonnie always got assigned to my maintenance requests. After two different times of coming early in the morning, he discovered that I was not a morning person, and was usually not awake enough or coherent enough when he showed up at my door at 8 am needing an explanation of what the problem in my suite was. After that, anytime he had to do work in our suite he would always try to tell me the day before so that I wouldn't be caught off guard and cranky when he got there early the next morning. I appreciated that so much, and I never got to tell him that. 

I will never forget February 1st, 2012. We had a required all Family Life student meeting and we were given the news: Lonnie had cancer, and it was bad. We were all in shock, but Lonnie was ready to fight and so were we. Over the next year we did fundraisers, had weekly prayer meetings, and tried to be a support for this amazing Christ follower and his family as much as we could. His strength, his faith, his life, amazes me still. Here he was, after going through chemo, determined to get to class no matter how he felt. Determined to take tests even if he could barely stay awake, passionate beyond belief for what God called him to learn. I watched all of this as I struggled to get my butt out of bed for my 9am classes and wondered how Lonnie had such strength even throughout all that he was facing. His answer: Christ. Without Jesus, we are nothing and I couldn't agree with him more. 

On May 19th, 2013 Lonnie accomplished his one and only goal: Graduation. I bawled like a baby cheering as loudly as I could as he walked across the stage. He did it, through God's help he did it. And then, things took a turn for the worse. Since I am living on campus for the summer, I had the privilege of taking care of Lonnie's four grandkids  They are precious beyond all reason and it absolutely breaks my heart that they will not get a chance to know their grandpa when they are older. I also got to meet his daughters Lucianne and Elise, and spend some time with his wife Amy. I finally felt like I could give back to this family that has blessed me in ways that they do not even realize. Finally, on June 1st, Lonnie left us to go join his heavenly father in paradise. 

My heart is broken for this family. But while we long for Lonnie to still be with us here on earth, he is rejoicing and no longer suffering in heaven with our heavenly Father. Today, the sermon at the church I was at was on 2 Timothy 4:6-8, talking about finishing the race of life well and living for Christ. Lonnie, you were a prime example of running the race well. You persevered through so many trials and gave all the glory to God every single step of the journey. The love and care you have shown to this campus will never be forgotten. I only wish that I had gotten a chance to tell you what an impact you have had on my life in person, but I know that someday we will be reunited in heaven and I can tell you then. We love you Lonnie, and you will forever be in our hearts and minds and your passion for God's work will inspire us to do our jobs as Family Life Workers to a whole new level. Rest in Peace Lonnie, You are home free.


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