Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This "Game" Called Life

So, I have been slightly obsessed with the Hunger Games over the past few weeks. I have watched it at least 6+ times in the last week and am planning on watching Catching Fire for the first time on DVD this afternoon. Obsessive, I know. I was talking with my best friend Becky last week, and I was saying to her that I just don't understand how a movie about killing people can be so fascinating and teach you so much about life. I was worshipping in church the next day and God gave a connection from the Hunger Games to my life. It gave me a whole new perspective, and really challenged my relationship with God and deepened my love of the Hunger Games.

Our life here on earth is the arena. We are fighting every day to our death, although there is the main difference that there are a lot more survivors than one. We encounter SO many challenges in this life, just like Katniss does in the games. We get burned, and attacked, and experience love and death and friendship. Some days we go hungry and others we have plenty to eat. We get sick, and people that we love and cherish die. But we know and have hope in the fact that because of Jesus, we will win this game and defeat the gamemaker and go to heaven with Jesus! But in reality, it is a longgggg journey to get there that takes endurance, faith, trust and hope.

Satan is the evil gamemaker, and God is in ultimate control of the game, even over the gamemaker. Think of him as a good and kind President Snow. Nothing will be done without him having control over it, and to me that is comforting even though sometimes the things he allows to happen will still hurt us. Jesus is our Haymitch. He talks with God about us and helps us through this game of life that he has already won and he believes in us that we can win too, as long as we let him help us through it and we accept the resources he gives us to help us.

If you have seen the movie or read the books, you know at the beginning Katniss is somewhat stubborn and does not want any help from anyone. Haymitch tells her the key to survival- Letting people help her, and letting them get to know her and like her. This is a HUGE challenge for Katniss and it is for me as well.

I thought about my life over the past few months and I see so much of myself in Katniss. Some days, I am just angry that this game is so hard and that I have to fight in it! I don't want to have to deal with the challenges, I just want my life to be easy. I especially do not want to depend on others for help. My internship has been super challenging for reasons that I will not post on this blog but I have not wanted help from anyone. I have felt that my attitude and my actions have been screaming to others and to God "CAN YOU NOT SEE I'VE GOT THIS?! STOP TRYING TO RESCUE ME. I'M FINE."

I've had fire wounds all over me just like Katniss did in the games. She tries to soothe her wounds using water. In the short term, it helps and is soothing but the relief doesn't last. We do the same thing in life- we use anything we can think of to heal our pain but in reality there is only one person who can give us the healing medication we need- Haymitch. (AKA Jesus)

How long will you keep fighting healing? I've been fighting mine for a long time, so I am truly not one to talk. But as you watch the film, you see this moment of desperation on Katniss's face and Haymitch knows he must help her and when he does she will accept it and he sends her the healing medicine. Jesus is the same way. He sees your pain and he wants to fix it SO desperately. You just need to surrender and accept his help. It won't be easy. It may be degrading, challenging, and more painful in the process but it will be SO worth it.

I have been on this healing journey for a long time, and sometimes I wonder when I will be "done". But realistically? Katniss faced new challenges in the game every single day and was not done until she died. Our lives are the same way. But we will win this fight, remember you are already a victor, so live like a victor and trust that Jesus will take care of you!!

So Happy Hunger Games, and remember the odds are in your favor!

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