Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Want to be Running When the Sand Runs Out

I heard this song for the first time in a long time today this morning while I was getting ready, and it really hit me that this is exactly what I want to do with my life. I have been SO hyper focused on a few certain issues in my life right now that I have been letting a LOT of other things slip through the cracks and simply trying to convince myself that those are not my highest priority right now and I have better things to focus on. 

And yet, as I listen to these words and I realize that life is short- I have no promise of tomorrow. If today was my last day of life are the things that I am focussing on today worth it? If I live to 90 or 100 am I going to look back on how I spent my time and be satisfied? 

I've made SO many promises to myself over the years and it always starts with "Tomorrow I will..." it might be working out, eating better, doing my God time, calling to check on a friend, going to church, whatever. There are so many promises, so many things that I say " I will get to it eventually" and yet a lot of time I never do and that frustrates me. 

I love the part of the song that says "He never took the time to dance". Last night I went to the movies with one of my supervisor's Kari and saw "Inside Out". I had SO much fun I laughed and laughed for hours and I just felt soooo good. I haven't taken the time to slow down and just truly let myself relax and have FUN basically since I started working at Shelterwood. I have such a HUGE opportunity here at Shelterwood, and I have been so hyper focused on my own healing that I think I have let a lot of it slide by. I choose to journal instead of going out with friends, I go to bed instead of swimming or going to the movies. Are these things good and beneficial? Yes. But are the other things good and beneficial too? Yes. 

I don't want to look back on my life and think "Oh my word. All I did my entire life was try to take care of myself and make myself feel better about life in general." I will still be loveable if I don't work on counseling stuff everyday. I will still be loveable if I have a meltdown and yell at someone. I will still be loveable if I am cranky in the morning because I stayed up late the night before hanging out with friends. I will still be loveable if I choose to live my life instead of trying to control it. 

So here is my random thought of the day for you: Are you living this life with everything you've got? Are you enjoying a beautiful summer day, and taking the time to simply watch the clouds float on by? Are you letting yourself blast that country song as you drive down an old dirt road? Are you taking the time to talk to people that you love? Are you at least attempting to forgive someone who has hurt you? Because before you know it, this life will be over. And God has given us one chance on this earth to show His love and grace to everyone around us. I know for me this means being intentional in all of my relationships and giving myself grace to deal with things that have happened in the past. It means allowing myself to start moving on, and building relationships with people even though I live in fear constantly that people are going to hurt me in the long run. It means taking a step back and having some fun every once in a while and not "working" on things legit 24/7. It means allowing myself to listen to Country music simply because I enjoy it instead of Christian music 24/7. It means giving myself grace to truly live as God created me to live.  I hope this concept and reminder helps you as much as it has helped me today. Give yourself some grace, and enjoy this amazing day that God has created with you in mind He loves you, and the life that He has created for you may not be perfect, but it will be perfect for who God has called you to be, and that is all you really need. 

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