Thursday, October 6, 2011

‎"Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?"

So, it has been awhile. I have been really, really busy to say the least. I have had a lot going on, and a lot of things different things taking up my time and emotions. But this quote came into my mind today, and I decided to share something with you all.

As a lot of people know, I have been struggling with something for the past few weeks here at Concordia. It has been draining for me emotionally and physically and frankly I am just tired of dealing with it. But I realized this afternoon, that I am not handling this situation in all of the ways that I should be. And the main ones have to do with this quote above.

I am talking about this a whole heck of a lot more than I have prayed about it.

Not only that, but I realized today that I am talking about it too much. Yes, it is bothering me and it is good to vent to friends every once in a while. But it became the center of almost every conversation that I had today, and that is not how things are supposed to be. My policy on gossiping is that I will only say things to other people that I would be comfortable saying to the person I am talking about. If I wouldn't say it to their face, it doesn't need to be said. And while I have still stuck to that policy throughout this situation, I have found that spreading my anger and frustration and hurt to others isn't being helpful either. It may make me feel better for a little bit, but what good does it have in the long run?

A wise friend once told me " You can talk about this with 5 people. After that, it becomes gossip."Somehow, I just threw that out the window. So, this is my attempt to start over fresh with this situation. There will be no more discussion of this topic unless it is 100% useful and necessary. I may fail, I am human, but I am certainly going to try.

So here is my thought of the day for you; Pray more than talking. In reality, praying is talking to God and he is going to help you a lot more than the people here. And that is my goal- situations are so much easier if you turn to God for help. Turn to him today, and he will help you.

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