Monday, November 7, 2011

24/7 Worship

This was one of our songs from Tool Time this past weekend, probably one of my favorites. As I was "recovering" from the weekend last night I started thinking about everything that happened in the almost 72 hours the kids were on our campus. 

I was going to grab some dinner when I thought "Wow. It is really weird not going to the black box every couple hours to do a session and praise and worship. I really miss it."And then a thought hit me- we need to be worshipping God 24/7. Not just when we have worship sessions on campus. 

Now, am I saying that it is realistic to spend every moment of free time that we have in the chapel or in the black box or somewhere else singing praises to God? No. I am not saying that. But what I am saying is that we need to be praising God in every moment of our lives. In our words, actions, thoughts, prayers, classes, homework, everything. Can I honestly say that I do that? No. I wish I could say yes, but it is something that I am going to work on. 

There are many different forms of worship and bringing glory to God. For a little while, I felt that the small group leaders were doing more for God than me this weekend because I was making a video while they were sharing Christ's love with students. But what did I realize? My video making is a form of worship. My video showed God's love to people. It is a form of worship to the Lord. It may not be in a traditional form, but it is still pleasing to God. 

Tool Time knocked me off my feet, just like it has the two times it has done before this. It still blows me away how much of an impact this weekend is on everyone who is apart of it, Concordia students included. I laughed and cried hysterically and got on a deeper level with God than I ever have before. I am excited to again make some changes in my life. 

There are two things I want you to take away from my random thoughts. First, be worshipping God 24/7 in everything you do. Do it all for the glory of God. Concordia's motto is "Christ First in Everything" but do we really live that way? That is my challenge to you. Live your life as Christ First in Everything. Second, I want you to take away how unbelievably amazing and God oriented Tool Time is. I want your church to be at our Middle School Tool Time in March. Talk to me, and we will get the kids there. Pray about it, and know that I am praying about it too. 

God bless all of you, and I pray that you have a God filled, and God oriented Monday. 

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