Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Eye of the Hurricane

The last three weeks of the semester. I think it is safe to compare these last few weeks to a hurricane. It is simply madness- students are overstressed, cranky, and on edge almost every day all day. I unfortunately have not escaped from this stereotypical time.

I have been unbelievably stressed and busy for the last month. I have learned to cherish if I even have an hour where I can sit and simply do nothing. These moments are few and rare and I appreciate them.

I was walking outside earlier today and I realized that my stress level is slowly coming down as I start to get all my assignments and projects organized and I start to accept the idea that my good friend really is graduating. The storm is starting to calm and yet I know the intensity is going to pick up again next week. It's like I am currently in the eye of the hurricane- there is some rest from the storm but I know that there is still more to come. It is kind of an uncomfortable feeling.

I am simply happy to not be extremely stressed but at the same time I am not looking forward to what is to come in the next few days, weeks, and months. I liked the part of the song above where it talks about God holding us safe during the eye of hurricane. God has worked in my life a lot in the past two weeks and I had litterally gotten to a point where I was so stressed I was physically sick and didn't feel like I could keep going. And then- God gives me the eye of the storm. A time to recoup and to rebuild my strength. A time to pray and be at peace and to know that when the storm starts up again it will be okay.

I may not like the storms of life I am facing right now- and I probably never will. But here is the thing- in every storm you face God is going to give you an "eye of the storm" he will never give you a storm that you can't handle without his help and protection. It may be rough, and you may get hurt in the process. But you will come through it and be a stronger person because of it.

So here is my random thought of the day for you- instead of focusing on the storm you are facing- the stress, anger, frustation, pain, sadness, whatever it is, try focusing in the eye of the storm instead. Focus on God's healing presence and peace and I guarantee you it will make your storm seem less intense and terrifying.

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