Monday, December 24, 2012

The "Perfect" Christmas

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday for as long as I can possibly remember. The lights, the sounds, smells, tastes, and sights. Everything about Christmas just makes me smile. Most of all, I loved having my entire family together at once. Even if there were no presents to open, it would still be my favorite day of the year.

But after a while, as kids got older and families moved farther away, the Kulig Christmas tradition started to wipe away too. Suddenly we had Christmas Eve without my grandparents, or missing some aunts, uncles, or cousins. Until finally last Christmas it was just my parents, brother, sister, cousin and I. It just wasn't the same and it broke my heart. The love of the season was still there, but something was missing- my family. My traditions. My perfect Christmas memories.

But then, 2012 came around. My parents told us we were going to Florida, and that most of my family was going to be there for Christmas once again. I knew it wasn't going to be exactly like I was younger but I had this hope of the "Perfect" Christmas again in my mind. I started convincing myself that this would be the best Christmas of my entire life.

Well, lets just say things didn't go as smoothly as I originally thought they would. It was a terribly long drive to Florida, fire alarms went off in the middle of the night at our hotel, and everyone just seemed to be cranky. I started to think that maybe this wouldn't be such a great Christmas after all.

But then, we walked into my grandparents house this afternoon and my grandma started crying when she saw us. It kind of broke my heart a little bit. My picture perfect Christmas seemed to be coming together. As we got into our normal Christmas routine, I noticed how my uncle Matt and my cousins Alex, Jacob and Zach were missing since I had no one to goof off with. It was then I realized- this was not the perfect Christmas. And I got a little angry, thinking "Why can't we all just be together again?! Why did things have to change?! Why can't it just be perfect like it used to be?!" But after a moment I realized this- There has never been, and will never be such a thing as a picture perfect Christmas.

I remember one Christmas my grandpa's sweet potatoes caught on fire in our oven and made our smoke detectors go off. One Christmas I had the stomach flu and was throwing up every 5 minutes. One Christmas my brother spent most of the night in the ER. These things make anything but "perfect" Christmas experiences. But looking back, I can't help but smile and laugh because they were still perfect memories in my mind that I wouldn't change for anything in the world.

So maybe this Christmas didn't fit every part of my "Perfection" agenda that I had in mind. But it was perfect in it's own little ways and I made memories I will never forget. I got to spend time with my family, ate wonderful food, received wonderful presents, and simply enjoyed the fact that while life may not be perfect, it is chock full of blessings.

So here is my random thought of the day for you- Maybe your Christmas hasn't exactly been perfect this year. Maybe things have gone terribly wrong, you are fighting with family, or are simply just not having a good day. Remember this- your worldly Christmas celebration will never be perfect. But our reason for celebrating, the greatest Christmas gift of all, will always be perfect. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And He came for you this Christmas to save you from this world of imperfection and sin. Let Him love you and hold you this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas Everyone

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