Friday, January 11, 2013

The Beginnings of the FOD Map "Adventure"

So, as many of you know I have been sick for about a year/year and a half. Everytime I ate I would be miserable. Curled up in a ball, sometimes in tears because my food just made me so sick. Well, we finally got some answers a few weeks ago. My doctor finally concluded that I had a type of infection that they could clear up with antibiotics  Then, I would "simply" start this new food plan to keep the infection from recurring. Sounds simple. I wish it was.

I spent around 2 hours at two different stores today simply trying to find a few things that I am allowed to eat. It was unbelievably hard. Finally by the end I just got frustrated and left. I was thinking on the way home "God, this just isn't fair. How come I cannot just eat food like everyone else?!" And then I realized, I have been praying for a solution for over a year. That the doctors would figure out what to do to ease my pain and discomfort. And yet here I am complaining about the answers and solutions God has given me. It got my priorities straight. God provided an answer for me and for that I am thankful.

By the way, in case you were wondering, lactose free milk still tastes pretty good. I am pretty excited by the fact that I can still drink milk!

So, I get back to being positive about my new eating plan, and our church comes over for a prayer meeting. There is delicious food EVERYWHERE! Cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, popcorn, brownies, all delicious stuff I cannot eat. And I got real whiny real fast. I wanted that food really bad. The pic on the left is what was actually in my kitchen  On the right is what my mind saw in it's place. Luckily I didn't fall for either of them. 

So here is my random thought of the day for you. God will answer everyone of your prayers. It may not be in the ways you want it too, but he will love you and help you in whatever ways you need him too. Keep trusting Him!!

I will keep you updated as we navigate this new adventure! :) 

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