Saturday, July 26, 2008

Picnic in the Park

Today was a lot of fun, we had a family picnic at a park. I was especially happy because I got to play around with my soccer ball!! YEAH! and my cousins Andrew and Christian like soccer too, so they were playing with me. We also celebrated my cousin Ryan's 3rd birthday. He is really cute, and currently obsessed with Batman. He got a batman dress up outfit for his bday, and he was really convinced that he was Batman. It was really cute. He wouldn't anwser to Ryan, only Batman. And my little cousin Katie, who is 2, for some reason wouldn't call me by my name, or anything close to my name. She would only call me "this" it was really cute. So it was a pretty fun day. And we had a ton of yummy food, which always makes the day even better!!!

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