Thursday, June 21, 2012

Am I really Losing?

Tenth Avenue North is one of my favorite bands. They have a new cd coming out in August and this is one of the songs they realeased earlier this summer. I love it. I feel like it is the story of my life right now. I am really struggling with forgiving some people who have hurt me. I keep thinking that I have forgiven them, and then suddenly I am extremely angry and upset about the situation again. But here is what I have to continue to learn- Forgiveness is not a one time thing. We have to choose every single day to forgive those who hurt us even if they do it all day everyday. Realizing this and doing it are two very different things. I wish I could say that I have mastered forgivness, but I haven't. I'm not perfect and never will be. I really do feel like I am the one losing this time, I know I am not but it sure doesn't feel like it. Forgiving and forgetting is one of the biggest lies that there is out there. You can forgive someone but not forget the pain they caused you. Someone once told me that when you forgive someone you begin to look at them as a human again that simply made a mistake instead of "the person that hurt me" or "the person I am mad at". I hate losing games, and I hate that I feel like I am losing this battle that in reality is not mine to fight.

I hope this post makes you take a step back and think about some of the people that you may need to work on forgiving in your life. Im not saying it is a one step process, or even a one day or year process but a life long process. It's worth it in the end even if we feel like we are the ones that are losing.

Father, please give us the grace to forgive them.

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