Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Power of Love

Today is a very special day in my world... it's my best friend's birthday! I saw a quote earlier that said something along the lines of "I never knew how important you would be to me when I first met you." This couldn't apply more to our friendship... I look to where we've been, and where we are going, and all I can think is "Holy crap. This friendship is seriously one in a million." And so I just want to take a minute, and honor this friendship.

When I went to college, I quickly made friends. I had friends before I even moved into my dorm. I had a lot of fun with these friends, but something was missing. I began praying that God would send me a friend to challenge me, encourage me, and help me to grow and I could do the same for them. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. 

I met Becky at some point during her freshman year, my sophomore year, I don't really remember when. (This isn't one of those from the first moment we met I knew we were going to be best friends moments..) We were acquaintances, and that was about it. Eventually I knew she loved dogs and Jesus, and that was about it. But towards the end of her freshman year, we started hanging out more and I thought "Hey. We like a lot of the same things. I bet we could be friends!" And from there, it feels like history. 

But, like all friends, we hit storms. It was HARD. Seriously so hard. We have poured SO much time and effort into our friendship that many, many people thought we were crazy and told us to give up and that we shouldn't be friends anymore if our relationship took effort. And we went through some very rough seasons, but we always knew if we were supposed to be friends, God would keep us together. I found this quote during a rough patch, and it really changed my perspective on my relationship with Becky, but truly relationships as a whole. 

And I realized, if I say that I love my friends, I need to actually love them. I need to love them when they are being great, and I need to love them when they are being so annoying I could scream. Love doesn't stop simply because things aren't going well. Love perseveres. I think of 1 Corin. 13- how often do we actually live that out? I know I don't very often, and yet as Christians that's what we are called to do- love each other. Our culture throws around the word 'love' so haphazardly. For a long time in my life "I love you" meant absolutely nothing. There was no feeling behind it, just words I knew I was supposed to say. So, when I first went to college I stopped telling people I loved them unless I was sure I meant it. Now? I tell people I love them all the time. The power of love is truly an incredible thing. 

And to think- the most powerful love of all comes from Jesus. He loved us SO much, he can't bear the thought of eternity without us, and so he gave up his life and took our place conquering death. Wow. Seriously- I couldn't show love to 90% of the people in my life without Jesus. I spend a LOT of time praying over my relationships because they have high value to me, and I know they have high value to Jesus. I couldn't love Becky or any other of my friends without Jesus, and I am so incredibly thankful for that. 

So here is my random thought of the day for you.... What relationships have been a blessing to you? Do you really love that other person like you say that you do? Or are you just infatuated with them? The same goes to your relationship with God- do you love Him? Or are you infatuated with him? 

And to Becky.... Happy Birthday my sweet friend. You show me unconditional love and grace every day and reflect Jesus in all that you do. Thank you for loving me, challenging me, laughing with me, and most importantly loving the Hunger Games. You are one of the best friends I could ever ask for, and I am really really thankful for all that I have learned through us being friends. 

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