Monday, November 29, 2010

Facebook Addict- Day 1

So, it has almost been 24 hours since I decided that I was going Facebook free. I can honestly say it has been really hard at some points, and really easy at others. About an hour ago, I was on the phone, and I got on my laptop. Before I even realized what I was doing, I saw that I was logging into Facebook. I immediately logged out without even looking at anything. I was sitting there thinking, "Wow. This is really sad. It shows how mindlessly I go to Facebook. This truly is a pathetic addiction that I need to stop."

I am starting to not really miss it all that much. I hate not being connected to my friends, but other than that it is just a time waster. I still haven't started my homework, but that is due to other things in my life. Other distractions that I am not necessarily trying to get rid of, but I am trying to prioritize. Life can be truly complicated. That is how I am going to sum up today.

1 comment:

MarissaK said...

Just saying- I just logged in again! Not even thinking about what I am doing at all.... It's just a mindless routine!