Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are You Walking the Talk?

* Note- there is no legitimate swearing in this video. The beeping is to make a point :)

This subject has been heavy on my heart the past few days, and something that I struggle greatly with. For those that know me- I talk. A lot. An awful lot. To some probably a bit too much. But in reality, it is who I am. It is how I deal with problems and process emotions and go throughout my day.

But our words have a lot of power. Sometimes we talk about things to make us feel better when in reality it is not making us feel better at all. It just eggs the emotion and anger on and on until it becomes a raging beast that we can no longer control and we feel as if we have to talk to everyone about the "thing" that is bothering us. At first we only talk to one person. Then two more. Then 4 more. Until finally, you can't remember who you have told what, and who you weren't supposed to tell, etc. Gossip is a big, big mess.

I loved the verse at the end of this video: "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." James 3:9-10

When we complain and trash talk others and whine about how terrible they are being we are complaining about God's creation. His child who he created and loves more deeply than we will ever begin to understand. Thats not okay. How can we praise God with the same mouth that is spewing garbage about his creation?

I'm not saying we are perfect people. We aren't. I'm not expecting you or even myself to never say a nasty thing about someone ever again just because you read this blog post. It's not gonna happen. But here is my random thought of the day for you: What if you actually, legitimately tried to control your tongue? What if we actually attempted to think things through before we say them? No, we will never be perfect. But when you listen to the words that you say about someone else, or you say something that someone has asked you not to, it is going to hurt your heart if you think about it in a way of someone saying that about you. Not only that, it hurts God's heart too. So take some time today, and make sure that you are legitimately trying to walk the talk.

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