Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger!

This song, this video has been my anthem for the past two weeks or so. I listen to this song on the way to class and picture the kids in my mind and cannot help but smile. It's a lesson I am learning every single day, more so now than I ever have in my entire life.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

It seems like such a simple concept. But for many, there are days that seem like the stress and weight of the world is simply going to take you down and kill you. But in reality- it won't. It may seem like your world is crashing down, and nothing is going how you want it to. But I can promise you this, it isn't going to kill you. It is going to make you stronger. It's like working out for the first time in years- your muscles hurt, and you don't want to keep moving forward, you feel like your body has given up. But if you want to get better, stronger, healthier, you have to keep moving. You have to keep getting stronger. Day to day, it may seem like nothing has changed, but in reality you are becoming more of the person God wants you to be, and eventually you are going to reach the mountain top and be amazed by the person you have grown to be.

So here is my random thought of the day for you: Don't let the weight of the world take you down. Let it make you stronger. Stand up to your problems and fight back. Don't give up. Your fight, whatever it may be, is worth it for the end result. Trust me. 

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