Monday, February 11, 2013

Breath of Fresh Air

Today is a pretty typical February day in Michigan. It's cold, the wind is blowing and the sky is gray. To some, this is a depressing day and they want to run to Florida. Most days, I would agree. But today for the first time in a while I woke up, and I was simply thankful to have a brand new, fresh clean slate day before me. It was like the real wind outside came in and blew away all the "gunk" in my heart and head that has been holding me back for the past few weeks.

Since this semester started, my brain has been somewhere else. Not at school, not at home, not even with God. It has just been MIA. It has been extremely frustrating to say the least. My day to day life has been off and my routine has been thrown out of whack for seemingly no apparent reason. Last night, I finally just got tired of it. I was journaling and I told God I was done, and I didn't know what to do anymore. Please help. Love Marissa.

And then, a song came up on my Itunes. And the message was simple- "Don't lose heart. Don't give up. Don't lose faith. Listen to the voice inside that still calls out your name. Look into the eyes of your saviors face, and you will find your resting place." I had never heard this song before. I literally downloaded it randomly last week and forgot about it. But it was right where I was at last night and just what I needed. Kind of cool to see how God works in such mysterious ways. And I went to bed for the first time at peace, knowing that God has not left me in this season that I simply don't understand.

I woke up this morning, refreshed and renewed, ready to take on this week set before me with Jesus at my side. In some ways I feel like a miracle took place in my heart last night, because who I was last night and who I am this morning are two different people, and it is amazing.

So here is my random thought of the day for you; Trust Him. Trust His plan. Even when the tears keep you up at night and you think you will never even make it to the morning without dying of heartache. Don't lose heart. He is here with you and will never, ever leave you. He loves you more than you can even fathom, and is going to use this pain in your life in ways that you cannot even fathom right now. Be still. Trust Him with your heart, and just sit in His presence for a while. You will find your resting place.

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