Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lord, I Need You More

As I described it to my friend Ashley this morning I am having a hard "heart" day. I'm in a place in my life where I am having a hard time enjoying the season God has placed me in right now. But, I know it has a purpose and one day I will look back and see how far I have come and how much I have grown and bring glory to God through it.

I have friends asking all the time- "What do you need?" Usually I can come up with an answer. Today I asked myself this question "What do you honestly need right now?" and at first I couldn't come up with an answer. I thought of typical things: Read Bible, pray, talk to a friend, etc. But nothing seemed to be it. I kind of pushed the thought to the side and went about my duties at work here in the Box Office. Then I was sitting here and this song came to mind. I haven't heard it in years, I can't tell you the last time I honestly sang it. But as soon as I thought of the song I had an answer to my question:

"Lord, I need you more. In whatever form that may be, I need more of you and less of me. Please meet me where I am Lord, because I need you." 

So here is my random thought of the day for you: Take a moment and just admit to God that you need Him. Even if you don't want to give up control of something right now, admit that to Him. Just admit that you need Him and ask Him to meet you where you are at and to help you grow where you are. He will help you. 

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