Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's Your Name?

Have you ever thought about your unspoken name? The name that is kind of like your second last name? For example- Hello, My name is blah blah, and I am a drug addict. We don't go around telling these things to people right when we first meet them. But we carry these names around as if they truly are our identity. It really is sad.

I saw this shirt at WinterJam and I bought it before even hearing the song to go along with it. It really made me think about how we give ourselves these labels, and we give these labels to others without even realizing it. Have you ever taken the time to realize what your words mean and what a huge impact they can have? Your few words could change someone's life- for good or for bad.

I am coming at you from both directions. I have had these labels stuck in my heart and mind by others over and over again, and they are very hard to remove. Especially if they have been there a while. But I know that I have also done this to others, and that is not okay either.

So here is my random thought of the day for you: What are your labels? What are the things that have become your identity that are not truly part of you? In order to peel them away you have to realize they are there and what they are. But here is the thing- Jesus can help you do both of those if you are willing. You are a child of the One True King and he will do anything to help you along this journey and find your way to Him. You don't have to live a life of labels anymore. Jesus came to set you free, all you gotta do is send out a shout and tell him you need Him.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Our words always have the power to impact.