Thursday, August 25, 2011

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone. Everyone has one, and it is something we don't like to leave. This past week, I have been wayyyy outside of my comfort zone at least once every day. Sounds horrible right? Wrong. 

This week was Leadership Training at Concordia University. I went through a lot of mixed emotions- fear of failure, frustration, anger, sadness, happiness, excitement... you name it, I probably felt it. All because I was put in a situation where I wasn't in my comfort zone. 

At first, I hated being outside my "zone". I hated feeling vulnerable and open. I was scared to rely on my team members and to do things I had never done before. At first, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to keep going forward.

But then God got a hold of me (It's so cool when he does that!) And I began to realize just how great this training week was because it was taking me places where I had never been before, and had too scared to go to before. But I went there. And I did it. And I have never felt so free and alive. This week helped me to jump off and take a leap of faith. And I will never be thankful enough that I did. 

I won't hesitate to say that for a long time I wasn't happy at Concordia. I actually was planning on transferring early into last year. But for the first time today, I had a moment where I thought "I belong here, and I have a purpose. This is where I am supposed to be." And it was one of the greatest feelings in the world. None of this would have happened if I wouldn't have stepped outside my comfort zone. I wouldn't be where I am right now if I hadn't taken that step, and continuing to take that step. I know it is scary to do something that is outside of your comfort zone, but do it. Please. Your life will never, ever be the same, and God will take you to places you never thought were even possible for you. It is an amazing journey. 

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