Thursday, August 16, 2012

4 Semesters Down, 4 to Go!

It's that time of year again. Tomorrow I move back on campus to start my Junior year. I wrote a very similar post at this time last year, but my feelings were completely different. I am thrilled to say that the majority of my anxiety for this year has gone away, at least for the past few days. I know there are gonna be a TON of changes this year, and probably some that I don't like all that much. I know I am going to miss my friend Ashley terribly, and there will be hard days. But I know this as well- God has me at Concordia for a reason. It becomes more evident to me every day that I am there. I am beyond excited to see what he has planned for me this year, I cannot even put it into words.

I am beyond excited to get to live in a newly renovated dorm, and to be surrounded by a dorm full of people that I love. I am excited for spiritual life training and to grow deeper in my faith and as a person. I am soooooooo excited to see some of my best friends who I haven't seen since May, and to be back at the place I consider my 2nd home.

So here we go. I am choosing to let my faith be bigger than my fear. It's going to be an exciting ride- and I can't wait. Next time you hear from me I will be somewhere on Concordia's wonderful campus! Please be praying for me as I start out on this new chapter of my life!! :)

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