Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jesus Loves The Little Children

How many times have you heard this song? Probably a million. I know I have. I think I have been able to sing the words to this song since the time I could talk. But have you ever sat down and really listened to the words though? I know I never have. Have you ever thought about what it is saying? Often times we teach this to young children so that they can begin to learn that Jesus loves them. But what about us as adults? We don't often think of ourselves as children, but we are still children of the king of kings and He loves us dearly. 

I was thinking about this as I sat in church today. For a long time, I have had a hard time understanding the love of God. I didn't understand how he could still love me even though I sin often, and really am nothing in comparison to his glory. But then earlier this summer, my friend Stephanie posted a picture one day of a little child. She wrote underneath it "If God loves me like the way I love these children, I think I am starting to understand his love." It suddenly became clear to me. I love love love spending time with kids. Everything they do brings me joy- from laughter even to having to change stinky diapers. God's love for us is exactly the same. NOTHING we do will change his love for us. Nothing is going to make him leave, make him abandon us. Even messing up big time, or causing him pain. He is still going to love you! He wants to spend time with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you. You are his precious child, and nothing will ever, ever change that.

So here is my random thought of the day for you- Sit in Jesus's love a little bit today. Let him show you how much he loves you, how much he wants to take care of you, to work in your life. He tells us in Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me- and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Go to him today and rest in his love. You may not be a child anymore in the eyes of the world, but you are in the eyes of Christ, and he loves you more than you can even imagine. 

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