Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time goes on by...

I haven't posted in a while.... I guess it's because I have been super busy, and have had a lot on my mind. I have been doing a lot of different things here at Conco, its been fun but really stressful. I have been extremely stressed emotionally and physically the past few weeks. I made a decision almost a week ago, and it was a very hard one to make, but I know that it will be best for me in the longrun. God is going to use it and do something amazing through it.

I cannot believe my Freshman year of college is almost over. I have learned soooo much, and it has gone by way too fast. I am excited for next fall, but sad to have this year to be over. I am excited for summer, but sad to be leaving everything here at Concordia. It keeps amazing me how fast time is going by... before I know it college will be over. Scary to think about.

I hope you all are doing well. I love you, and Jesus loves you even more than I do!

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