Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"When you look back on times we had I hope you smile. And know that through the good and through the bad I was on your side.."

My freshman year of college is almost over. I honestly cannot believe it. It has gone by so fast, it amazes me. I am kind of sad to be leaving my dorm... the 2011 Esther girls are just amazing. We have the best RA and SLR, and for the most part everyone in our dorm just loves each other. I am going to miss seeing their faces every day. But, I think Johnny dorm next year will be fun too- just a new experience :)

Looking back at this past year, I have seen how far I have come in many various ways. Some things in my life have been resolved, while others still haven't been. But, I have learned that life isn't about the end result of things- It is all about the journey getting there. This journey hasn't been easy, and the rest of the journey isn't going to get any easier, but I am ready to face it head on.

I am not focusing on getting to a certain point in my life anymore where suddenly everything is "okay". I am never going to have a day where I wake up and suddenly every problem in my life is solved. Instead, I am focusing on how I am going through each day. I am learning that it is okay to have a great day, but still cry at the end of the day when a situation becomes too much. And it's okay to have a really bad day, but end the day laughing hysterically and having fun. Life isn't about following a certain pattern that you have to stick to just because that is how it has always been. Life is about change- and as much as I hate it I am starting to embrace it, because once you can look back and see positive changes you have made in your life, it is a very fulfilling feeling.

Whenever I look back at this year of my life, I am definitely going to smile, because even though it has been a hard climb, I know it has just brought me one step closer to my eternal reward. And that makes everything worth it.

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