Thursday, December 2, 2010

Facebook Addict Day 4

Oh.My.Goodness. Let me just first say that Celtic Thunder was one of the greatest things I have EVER experienced in my entire life!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHH! SO STINKEN AMAZING! In other words, I had a great time and really enjoyed myself, and it was a break from my usual life that I really truly needed.

I haven't really missed Facebook all that much today.... I thought about logging on a couple of times, but that was about it. I am starting to not miss it as much I guess. I guess I will have to go back to it eventually, but I don't really want to at this point. I hate not being able to connect with my friends and family easily, but other than that, what is there to miss? Pointless games like Bejeweled Blitz that waste my time? I am in the process of trying to find some balance in my life..... currently it is like a horribly unbalanced teeter totter that tends to start spinning in circles every once in a while. :P

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