Saturday, January 1, 2011

Farewell 2010

Well, it is official 2011 is here. I can't say that I am too upset to wave goodbye to 2010. It has definitely been an interesting year for me.... not necessarily all bad, but it has been a challenge, and forced me to grow stronger each and every day.  I have learned what I want my life to be about, and who I want to be apart of it. I have learned how much precious time I waste doing dumb stuff (like spending hours on FB) and how much I love spending time with God over all other things. There were a TON of changes that took place.... most of them being ones that I didn't want to happen, yet I learned something through each of them. There were some things that happened that hurt me a lot, but they have taught me so much, and in a way I am thankful that they happened.

2010 showed me what life is really about; Living every single moment for God. Everything we do is for Him, and for Him only. It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Everyday God gives us challenges.... How will we treat the person who drives us nuts? Will we tell them to their face to bug off? Or will we go talk about them behind their back? What about the person who hurts us deeply? Will we go trash talk them and complain about them to other people? We shouldn't, but I guarantee you that we do. These are things that I unfortunately did a lot of in 2010. More than I would like to admit. I don't want to do that anymore, and I am going to try really hard not too.

I have read some really interesting things in devotionals and books the past few days, and it has really helped me to put my life into perspective once again. Sometimes I think about my life as a snowglobe... Life looks all peacefull and settled, then it gets shaken up, and you can see everything that is wrong and you can take the chance to fix it and put it back into perspective. Then, after a while the snowglobe gets shaken up again and you do it all over again. Thats what life is like, changing over and over again. As much as I hate change, I know it is good in the long run :P

2011 is a new start, and I thank God that I have the opportunity to start again. Do I know how this year is going to go? Honestly, I have no idea. But with God in control, I'm not worried about it :)

1 comment:

Makaya said...

Praying for you! :D