Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God is Good :)

Sooooo it has been another week. I am still kind of sick and coughing like crazy, but thats okay :) At least I don't feel like a zombie anymore.

This past week has been good. Being sick has allowed me to take some time and just rest like I have needed to be doing for weeks. It has been really nice even though I feel really yucky. God also showed me some stuff this week that has been a wake up call for me. Good stuff. Really good stuff. It's time to make some changes in my life again, but I am starting to learn that is what life is all about.

I had my SLR interview last week.... I feel like it went well but we will see. I am kind of nervous, but I know that God has a plan for next year even if I won't be an SLR. I am sooooooo excited for next fall! God is doing so much right now, and I can't wait to see what He will do next year!

God has been giving me so many little blessings the past few weeks. The sun has been shining, it has been kind of warm, and just beautiful! The best gift was yesterday..... I was already having a pretty good day, but then I found out that one of my best friends is flying in from Arizona in June!!!! I was soooooo happy. I was so scared when she moved that I was never going to see her again, and yet God keeps working it out so that she can visit and I am soooooooooo thankful. She is an amazing young lady :)

For a while, I kept looking back at my life situation right now, and I look at the hardships and pain that I am dealing with, and I just couldn't see how I am getting through each day and am so happy. But I realized it is because of one thing and one thing alone, and that is God. Yes, He has given me AMAZING friends, a loving family, and other needed people. But what I have realized this week, is that GOD gave them to me. GOD helped me by using them. It isn't because of myself or other people that I have gotten through things, which is what I used to think in the past. It is all because of God, and I am so thankful for that.

God is awesome, and He will change your life. Go spend some time with Him today, You won't regret it!

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