Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, life isn't too bad right now. I am really enjoying not being on Facebook as well as eating healthier foods. I am finding that overall I am happier even when bad stuff does happen. I am finding that I am spending my time more wisely and feeling more productive as well as I am actually trying my hardest in everything that I am doing; physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I am starting to feel like my mind is less in a fog and more in the present. Sigh. Good stuff. I miss having Facebook as a way to connect with people, but I much prefer what I am doing right now to Facebook. I am realizing the people who truly matter to me, and if I need to contact someone, I just use email or phone. It's not as horrible as most people think. I would encourage you to give up Facebook for a while if you have never done it before.

I went on an awesome retreat this weekend with the Concordia Women's Ministry. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. It was so nice to be able to spend time with people who want to keep their focus on God and keep the campuses focus on God. I am working with two of my friends and we are planning a Big Brother Big Sister event on our campus, run by the Women's Ministry. I am really excited. It is going to be soooo much fun for us, and a huge blessing for these kids.

I also am planning on being an SLR next year. I turned in my application, and I think I am going to do it. I am so pumped for next year. Everyone keeps telling me that Freshman year is hard for a lot of people, but it really does get better after that. I can't wait. My life can only get better. ( I mean in reality, it could get a lot worse, but lets try and think positively :)  )

I hope you all have a fantabulus day, and know that Jesus loves you and so do I.

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