Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Letting Go

Have you ever realized how hard it is to let go? It is a terrifying, yet liberating experience. We hold on to so many things throughout our lifetime- our mothers when we are young or our parents hold on to the bike seat as we learn to ride a two wheeler. We also emotionally hold on to people and things. A loved one is taking their final breaths, and we are desperately holding on, wishing they could stay here, but we know that they will be happier in heaven. We have to let them go. Just like parents have to let go of the bike seat, praying their baby doesn't fall.  Letting go to even something simple can be one of the scariest things you do in your life.

We have to let go of many things- elementary school, high school, college, churches, friends, family, and more. It never gets easier to let something go in the beginning, but over time it gets easier. It may be painful, and scary, but we have to trust that God will carry us through.

I am struggling with letting go of some things in my life. I know full well that God will take care of them, and it is better for me in the long run. It is just so hard to give up control, and literally take a leap of faith. It legitimately feels like you are about to go skydiving out of an airplane, and you are praying the parachute opens. God is the ultimate parachute- he is always going to open, and always take care of us even after we land safely on the ground. We just need to take a chance and jump.