Saturday, May 7, 2011

Looking back, I am always going to smile :)

It's official- I am no longer a freshman. I am currently sitting at home in my loft bed. It is really strange to think that I'm done until the fall, and I won't be seeing most of my Concordia friends until then. I have learned sooooooooo much this year, it is incredible. And it truly did go by way too fast. For years people have told me that high school will go by fast, and college will fly bye, but I never believed them. Now I do. I am sad to be leaving behind this part of my past, but I am excited for the future. I wanted to share some highlights of the things that I learned this year;

1. God really does take every situation in our lives and use it for something good. Even if it seems nothing good can come out of a situation, God will use it somehow.
2. Trust God's timing and His plan. God knew what he was doing when he put me in Esther Dorm this year. He gave me the environment and people that I would need right when I needed them and for that I am forever thankful.
3. Read your Bible even when you don't want too. Every time I was upset this year, my friend Ashley would tell me to read Psalms. I never wanted to, but it always helps.
4. Never underestimate prayer. It is a powerful thing. Some of my most treasured memories are of times praying with my friends.
5. Don't go into college thinking that you can't have as good of friends in college that you did in high school. I found a few amazing people at Concordia, and while our relationships are different than those with my high school friends, I love my Concordia friends just as much as my high school friends and that was something I never thought could be possible.
6. Don't be afraid to love people even though it hurts. People will leave, and sometimes the pain is unbearable, but it is worth it in the end.
7. You can fit an unbelievable amount of stuff in a dorm room even though there isn't a ton of space.
8. Enjoy the time you have. You are only in college once. So take a break from studying and go play in the rain or go on a midnight slurpee run. Grades on a test will be forgotten, but memories and relationships you build last forever.
9. Don't underestimate music and song lyrics. Some days, that is the only reason I survived.
10. Hold on to every single moment. Give someone a hug and hold them a little longer. Laugh till you cry and cry until you laugh. Dance in the rain, act like your five. Treasure each and every breath that God has given you. There may be a lot of things that are wrong in this life, but it is still the life that God has given us, and we need to treasure it.

I learned so much my freshman year about God, friends, family, school and so much more. College is a great place to be- through the hard times and the good times. Thank you to everyone who helped get me to where I am today, and I look forward to the future.

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