Monday, May 9, 2011

Sweet Summertime

Looking back, I still cannot believe a year has gone by since last summer. I cannot believe how far I have come in so many various areas of my life. It is astounding to me. I absolutely loved last summer. I went through some rough stuff, but it was a fantastic summer. I learned a lot, and had a lot of fun with my friends. I am looking forward to the same thing this summer. I can't wait for all my friends to get home so we can catch up and spend time together. I already have spent most of the day outside today, and I just love it. I love my morning bike rides, and just relaxing laying out in the sun listening to my music. Summer is such a great gift from God. It gives us a chance to relax in the warmth and just enjoy the gifts He has given us. One day I will be an adult, and won't have nearly as much time to enjoy it, so I am taking advantage of this time I have now. Have a blessed summer everyone!! <3

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