Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Where is your focus set? Over the course of this day I came to a bunch of realizations... I realized how far I have come in many ways over the past few years, and I realized that is because of one thing: I changed my focus.

It is so easy in our daily lives to focus on other things; romantic relationships, electronics, work, school, friends, family, etc. But when God becomes your focus, your whole life will change. I have grown up in a christian environment my entire life and if you were to ask me, I would have always told you that God was the center focus of my life. But it wasn't true. I had other people and things in the place where God needed to be.

A few years ago, I created an analogy of my life to a puzzle. We also had a chapel service about this. You build a puzzle around key pieces. If our life is a puzzle, that key piece needs to be Jesus, but we try to make it other things. We twist and shove the pieces together trying to make our lives work. But the picture is going to be incomplete until we start building our lives around Jesus. Building our lives around other things is just going make us miserable.

I am realizing more and more how key it is to have your focus on Jesus. Do whatever it takes to get your focus on him. It may mean taking your whole puzzle of life apart and starting over. It may be uncomfortable, and annoying and hard, but it will be worth it. You will be so much happier, and you will see God working in your life in ways you could never imagine.

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