Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Not Enough

First, go to this link and do this:

I had small group at WCA tonight. It was another powerful night. We were talking about helping the sick, and talked a lot about those with Aids or HIV. And it reminded me of when I was able to go to the actual World Vision Exhibit when I was in 10th grade. It was a life changing experience. I honestly felt like I was in Africa, and that was my life. I was scared to find out whether I had HIV or not. In the end, I was negative. But the fear was real. I cannot imagine having that fear be apart of my daily life.

There are people who live like this every single day, and yet we do nothing. On our video tonight it talked about how the equivalent of 100 airplanes crashing is how many kids die from preventable diseases every day. I think he said thats around 3 kids every second. Three kids. I can't even wrap my mind around that.

We sit here with our fancy bottled water and overabundance of food while their are kids starving in Africa. We have said things like "don't waste that food- an orphan in Africa is starving and would love to have it." But when are we going to do something about it?! When are we going to stop putting our selfish ways before others desperate needs? When will we stop buying huge packages of bottled water every month that we don't need instead of sponsoring a child in need?!

I am not saying this to rag on others- I am not anywhere near perfect and guilty of these things myself. But I am tired of sitting here doing nothing. I want to do sooooo much more, but I am limited. Things have got to change- we have to save these kids, and that might mean cutting back a little for us on pleasurable things.

It's not enough to talk about stopping hunger, or promise to sponsor a child "someday". It's not enough to just do these things because we are supposed to.  We need to do it because we have a desire too. It's not enough.... And it will never be enough until these kids are taken care of.

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