Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life Changing

I never thought it would be possible to miss something so much, when I was only there for one short week. And yet, God showed me so many things the short time I was in the Dominican, and it truly changed my life.

Tonight was our first summer small group meeting at WCA. The theme is becoming a Good Samaritan. We talked about some things tonight, and about helping those in need around us. Our trip to the Dominican was mentioned a few times, and it just took me back down memory lane.

I went to the Dominican to work in the lives of the people around me, and yet that trip changed my life. Money isn't a concern to me anymore- Yes, I know it is important, but it isn't something at the top of my priority list. After seeing how these people were living-how they were eating, drinking and traveling, I couldn't live in America anymore and complain about what I don't have or what I "need". Every time I think of this trip, it brings tears to my eyes. These people are so happy with what little possessions they have- I want to live a life like that. I don't want to be so wrapped up in making a lot of money in my lifetime that I lose focus of what is important- and that is bringing people to a relationship with Jesus. If I am wrapped up in how much I need to make to survive, am I really showing Jesus to people? I want my relationship with God to come first, as well as other people before myself.

It's hard for me to sit here and know that I am sitting in an air conditioned house even though it is only 75 degrees outside while there are people in other countries roasting with 100 degrees and 100% percent humidity. I want to do more. I wish I could do more. I was flipping through my pictures from my trip this evening, and I just wanted to jump on a plane and go back to the orphanages. I wanted to hold the little babies and sing "Christo Me Ama"with the little girls. I want to color pictures and let the kids giggle and laugh as they take pictures with my camera of themselves. I want to go back. And someday I will. 

I'm not content with sitting here doing nothing about the problems in our world. There are people all over the cities and countries of the world who are hungry, homeless, or lonely. There are people everywhere who need the love of Jesus in their lives. You don't have to go out of the country to make a difference- You can start by helping out someone who lives next door to you. You don't have to find a cure to aids- you can start by making a meal for someone who needs it. You don't even have to start with a stranger- start with a friend who is going through a rough time. Take a time out and just go give them a hug. Sit with them, listen to them. You don't have to change the lives of millions at once- Start with one person, and God will lead you to another. It's time to do something.

"Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you."
— Mother Teresa

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